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Friday, April 25, 2014

MELO Round 1

Okay, I've been really remiss in not focusing much on the Middle Earth LEGO Olympics, or MELO, which started in late 2013 and led into the first part of this year. The first round was wide open, and anyone was invited to build creations based on the Riddles in the Dark. There were 68 initial entries, the top 32 went into a single-elimination tournament. I can't focus on all of the round 1 entries, so I'll pick out a few of my favorites over the next few days.

Alive without breath. David Alexander Smith brings his unique silhouette/woodcut style to Fish.

A box without hinges. Aaron L unfortunately did not advance with his scene of a young Smeagol teaching his grandmother to suck eggs, but I like his take on a hobbit-hole.

Grant Davis got one of the highest scores and easily advanced with his Lothlorien. He took a little bit of liberty with the egg riddle - his take is the golden wood is the golden treasure, and there's no lid on a forest. Whatever - it's an awesome MOC.

Finally for today, David Hensel had one of the other highest scores with his Dark of Mirkwood - Radagast's home as an interpretation of Dark.

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